"Project Silence" (2024) is a South Korean disaster-horror film directed by Kim Tae-gon.
The movie centers on a catastrophic event that takes place on a fog-covered bridge leading to Seoul Airport.
The story kicks off with a massive pile-up caused by a reckless driver, which also frees a pack of experimental, military-trained attack dogs.
These genetically altered dogs, part of a secret government project, begin terrorizing the survivors trapped on the bridge.
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The protagonist, Cha Jung-won, portrayed by Lee Sun-kyun, is a high-ranking political advisor and a widower trying to protect his daughter, Cha Kyung-min, as they navigate the dangers on the bridge.
The movie blends elements of action, horror, and drama, with a focus on the emotional dynamics between the characters, particularly the father-daughter relationship.
The film has received mixed reviews.
While some praise its suspenseful atmosphere and thrilling action, others criticize it for its formulaic plot and lack of character depth.
The CGI used to create the attack dogs has also been a point of contention, with some viewers finding it effective while others felt it could have been better.